It is not clear to me if this game is available or not. No news that has talked about it, no review, and yet it seems like a very interesting title. It is not even present in the AMIGA databases. I await clarifications because I would like to buy it and play it.
This game is only for AGA. Originally graphics are for VGA in 256 colours. Reducing pqlette to 32 colours is very hard. Except that, blitter in AGA is fastest like ECS and A1200 have CPU 68020 and 2MB of Chip Ram. Stock A500 is too simple for this.
Da się :-) uwierz mi. Jeśli mówisz o miejscu, gdzie jest niebieskie tło, to najpierw trzeba iść dołem po amunicję, a później się wrócić i iść górą. Drugi level jest o wiele wiele trudniejszy. Mimo wszystko dalej wprowadzam kolejne zmiany bo jednak trochę jest inaczej niż w oryginale. Obecnie tworzę mapę 3 poziomu.
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But... seriously ? 99 USD ???
For a digital version of the game ?
I want to hope this is only an error
I think this is for a physical copy only.
Well, yes, because the game is a 2-disk version. It can only be purchased at the “normal” price at the Retronics store.
I'll wait for the digital download option.
It is not clear to me if this game is available or not. No news that has talked about it, no review, and yet it seems like a very interesting title. It is not even present in the AMIGA databases. I await clarifications because I would like to buy it and play it.
I wonder why the game has no interest. Maybe the advertising is too weak... Maybe the information about the game has not reached more people...
Electroman is an improved version of the Polish game Electrobody written for the American market, but it probably did not gain popularity there.
Here is one unboxing video:
There will be a digital download version ?
Many thanks
No. Only boxed version.
As soon as you are finished, you could create a port on the C64, if you like!
I can't coding C64.
Nothing special for a professional like you ;)
Thank you for making this available.
Great !! Thank You very much !!
Very nice platform !!
Thanks :)
Thanks for this game! How about an ECS version?
This game is only for AGA. Originally graphics are for VGA in 256 colours. Reducing pqlette to 32 colours is very hard. Except that, blitter in AGA is fastest like ECS and A1200 have CPU 68020 and 2MB of Chip Ram. Stock A500 is too simple for this.
Well, you could require 2 MB ChipRAM and 68020 for an ECS version anyway. I would love to see more stuff released for Higher End ECS systems.
I am quite sure it would be possible in OCS/ECS compared to e.g. colors used in Gods from Bitmap Brothers but it's up to the author.
Świetna gra, poziom 3 interesujący :)
Poziom 3 łatwiejeszy od 2 moim zdaniem. Pobierz obecną wersję, bo tamtej nie dało się przejść przez 2 błędy w mapie levelu
Hi, possible I could email you to ask some questions for our magazine, ZZAP! AMIGA?
I send for You an e-mail messange.
Great, thank you.
Fajne, ale jak przejść za 3 pkt. respawnu te platformy :) nie mam broni a robotów masa :)
Da się :-) uwierz mi. Jeśli mówisz o miejscu, gdzie jest niebieskie tło, to najpierw trzeba iść dołem po amunicję, a później się wrócić i iść górą. Drugi level jest o wiele wiele trudniejszy. Mimo wszystko dalej wprowadzam kolejne zmiany bo jednak trochę jest inaczej niż w oryginale. Obecnie tworzę mapę 3 poziomu.